While sitting at home today because I'm off of work, I got an instant message from this guy that I hooked up with last semester. Turns out he remembered that I said I was from down south, and he has an internship for the summer not far from where I live. He asked me if I might want to "meet up" at his house, which I was pretty sure meant hook up, so I politely declined after telling him of the situation I'm in with Sam.
But anywaaaay, it got me to thinking about the one and only time that we hooked up, which was probably one of the strangest encounters I've ever had. So, here goes...
I'm pretty sure it was March, maybe April, and I had been perusing Manhunt (I know, I'm a sleezeball, but I was horny!) just looking at the guys in town. I got an IM from this guy who had an awesome, really built body, a tattoo on his upper arm, and a pretty big you-know-what. And he was black, which I thought was kind of hot since I hadn't ever hooked up with anyone who wasn't white before. But anyway, we got to talking (this was like 5pm on a Friday) and then we moved on to AIM before trading a couple of pictures and me saying to him that I would let him know if I was busy later. So, it's about 10:30 that night and I had resigned to just staying in for the night and getting up early the next day to study or do homework. Then I get an email from him saying, "what's up?" I told him I was sitting in my apartment not really doing much, but I hadn't planned on doing anything. He asked me if I was still horny, and I said yeah probably. Anyway, blah blah, he convinces me to go visit his house because they were having a party, which meant that I could probably just sneak up to his room with him and not really get noticed since everyone would be schwasted. I head over to his fraternity house, which is only like a 5 minute walk from my apartment, and give him a call as I'm getting close, and he says he'll be down to let me in in a sec. This is Greek Week after all, so his fraternity is having a luau night and there are big fences set up around their yard with the party behind them. Of course there's a huge line of drunk and semi-drunk freshman lined up outside to get in, so I kind of just hang around trying not to look too conspicuous. He gives me another call saying he really is on his way out now. Right after he called, I look over and see the fence being knocked over by two guys who weren't allowed inside. They almost succeed in getting it pulled down when I see him. The guy I was waiting for running out of the gate with another guy, and then chasing the two guys trying to gate crash the party. He apparently chased them a whole block until they finally came back to the house. Then he saw me, winked, and went back in the house. WTF I thought, am I just supposed to wait out here?! A couple more minutes passed, and I was ready to leave. Not only wasn't I drunk at all, but I was waiting on a guy that didn't seem like he was coming. Finally, I see him coming through the crowd, yelling at people to get the fuck out of his way, and then motions for me to follow him back through the party. I follow him through the gate, along the side of the house and through the party and into the house. All the way stopping every few seconds so he could talk to someone. We finally got up stairs, and that's where the fun (at least for me) began. I didn't know this, but apparently all guys in this fraternity decided to walk around almost naked upstairs, and drunk too, so even though I felt like a perv I was sure enjoying the show (especially the one guy who was wearing basketball shorts and now shirt, and his shorts were dangerously low, exposing just a little bit of crack... needless to say I was getting more turned on by the second. Anyway, the guy was talking to some of the brothers for a good 5 minutes, with me just waiting in the hall just trying not to let anyone notice me. Finally he got away and we sneaked over to his room down the hall, and locked the door right away, haha. The funny thing about his room was that the window looked directly out on where the outdoor party was, so the people down there might have gotten a show. By this time I was pretty tired, but he was still pretty hot. We sat down on his futon (how fratty) and started making out, then moving on to some hotter things. Needless to say, the boy is hung, and knows how to work it. At one point, we accidentally flipped the futon over since we were on the edge, and both of us fell naked onto the floor. Once I, um, relieved myself, I was tired, and so was he. So he led me back downstairs through the emptying out house, and back onto the lawn. And with a really short goodbye, we parted ways.
Anyway, just thought I'd share one of the weirder stories from my college experience. Lesson: hook ups in frat houses are not as great as they're made out to be. But they're still kinda hot.
So I just got off of work (which I will say involves preparing coffee, you can guess what chain it is haha) and it was a pretty sucky night. Mostly just some really rude people who kind of got me down. It honestly amazes me how some people have no manners. Especially the people who you think would (usually the well dressed people). I don't know if it's just elitism or just that some people were not taught to respect everyone, even if they are making their extra hot soy latte. Those sort of things just tend to get to me and put a damper on my night. Oh well, I guess that's why they pay me the big bucks.
Aaaanyway, things with the guy back at school (I think I'll call him Sam) are still in the same spot they were before. We haven't talked about the future or any possible relationship for awhile now, but we talk every day and we seem to be acting more like we're together with every passing day. So who knows! I still really like him, but there is no way I could be in a serious thing with him if he couldn't tell anyone. So I'm stuck in the same place. I don't want to push or force him to do anything, so for now I'm playing the waiting game.
And I'm reading a pretty good book right now called "Relentless Pursuit" by Donna Foote. It's basically a third-person memoir of the lives of Teach for America recruits in Los Angeles over the course of a year. I am seriously considering applying for teaching jobs in the inner-city of DC, New York, Philly, or some other city east of the Mississippi and it has really made me think about that tough teaching environment.
So I just realized that this post is really disjointed, but just read all the paragraphs individually. I hope everyone's summer is going well!
soaring through nature's finest show. Denali, the great one, soaring under the midnight sun. And then the extremes. In the winter time it's the frozen road that is competing with the view of ice fogged frigid beauty, the cold though, doesn't it split the Cheechakos from the Sourdoughs? And then in the summertime such extreme summertime about a hundred and fifty degrees hotter than just some months ago, than just some months from now, with fireweed blooming along the frost heaves and merciless rivers that are rushing and carving and reminding us that here, Mother Nature wins. It is as throughout all Alaska that big wild good life teeming along the road that is north to the future.
Fmr. Gov. Sarah Palin, of Alaska
(OK, sorry for all the hate these days, but that is PRICELESS. and not a bad poem. And you know, I actually sort of admire Palin--at least she has the balls to say what she thinks, even if what she says is crap.)
Ah yes, the day has come. Her Royal Highness, the Empress of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands Sarah Palin has resigned her stately post to become Mom-in-chief of her increasingly large family (oh sorry! I forgot no one was allowed to mention her bear cubs). Well I say -- FINALLY! Her speech was as expected rambling and disjointed, with her usual lines against big government and the media (even going so far as to tell the media not to lie). The folks on CNN are trying to be as diplomatic as possible (including the lovely Candy Crowley) which is not a job I would want to have right now. I guess Mrs. Palin is off to make millions on her book/talk show/NRA speaking tour of right-wing militia camps. Good luck Sarah! Here's to your nomination in 2012! Cause you know can't win, right?
So I haven't posted in a lifetime, but I think I know why -- Summer is BORING! Aside from work, I really never do much over the summer months. As sad as it is, I didn't really stay in touch with most of my high school friends, and seeing as I went to school 500 miles away, I can't really see my school friends either. Oh well, only a month until I go back!!!
In other news, I saw two of the summer's biggest movies this week: Harry Potter and Brüno (yes, I googled that name to get the little umlaut because I am a perfectionist and can't figure out how to do that on my keyboard, sigh.) First Harry Potter: Not bad. Actually, good, even very good. I will admit I am a super fan of the books (having basically grown up with them) and I have pretty high standards when it comes to the movies. A few of the subplots were left out (including one MAJOR one that kind of pissed me off because it wasn't included), but overall, great special effects and a lot more about the relationships between the characters.
Now Brüno: Pretty bad. A few funny moments (the talk-show part was my personal favorite part) but the rest was awful. I like Borat, so I expected more of the same. I had seen the character Brüno on Da Ali G Show and thought he was pretty funny. I don't know what happened to the movie (actually, it was just poorly executed and relied way too much on the gay thing and extremely vulgar sex acts). So all in all, just bad. I wish I would have seen Harry Potter again.
Of course since I saw Harry Potter, I had to reread the last book in preparation for the next movie, but that only comes out next year so that was a pretty flimsy excuse on my part. God, this post is making me look like more and more of a nerd. Oh well. No sense denying it now!
And thanks to J over at Who's Life for showing some love!
I hope everyone's summer is a little more exciting than mine!
So a quick thank you to Dan from daninokc for his shout out on his blog! I've been reading for awhile and if you need some hot pics of guys quickly, go check out his blog. Also check out Frat Closet Case, pretty good stuff there so far man. It's nice to have people comment about what I've written, but even if no one did I would still write just to get these feelings out on digital paper.
Anyway, today I'm just waiting to head in to work for the night, watching some of Sotomayor's confirmation hearings in the Judiciary Committee and trying to follow all the cases that they are discussing the best I can (with help from Wikipedia, of course). As Lindsey Graham said, she'll probably be confirmed unless she explodes , but it's still interesting to see how both sides question her and how some of the Republican senators still going after her. Which is still their job, but the whole "gotcha" thing is kind of old. Anyway, I think I'll try to get some reading done before work and continue watching the hearings and hope this night at work goes by fast.
Early 20's college student, gay, trying to figure out how to balance being gay, a college student, and a 20-something male.
Questions? Comments? thestickingplaceblog@gmail.com