Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gotcha Media

The last thing you see before you die.

Ah yes, the day has come. Her Royal Highness, the Empress of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands Sarah Palin has resigned her stately post to become Mom-in-chief of her increasingly large family (oh sorry! I forgot no one was allowed to mention her bear cubs). Well I say -- FINALLY! Her speech was as expected rambling and disjointed, with her usual lines against big government and the media (even going so far as to tell the media not to lie). The folks on CNN are trying to be as diplomatic as possible (including the lovely Candy Crowley) which is not a job I would want to have right now. I guess Mrs. Palin is off to make millions on her book/talk show/NRA speaking tour of right-wing militia camps. Good luck Sarah! Here's to your nomination in 2012! Cause you know can't win, right?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite were her comments about the media shaming our troops by telling lies. Umm, does she not realize the whole reason the troops are at war is because it was based on lies? I wonder how people can be in so much denial, but alas she is the queen.
