Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Little Bit About Me...

I've been trying to write this post for a few days now, and with all the travel I've been doing, the holiday, and work, I couldn't really think of what to write about myself. I always have trouble writing about myself (including blogging, haha) and especially describing myself college application-like. But I'll try to give it a go now, if only for the sake of my hopefully-soon-to-be blog readers!

I really really really enjoy politics. That is probably an understatement. When Lisa Madigan, the Attorney General of Illinois announced today that she wasn't going to run for the US Senate, I was genuinely upset. If you know who she is, then that might tell you where my political persuasions lie, but if not, I guess remaining a mystery for now is alright by me. But anyway, I really enjoy talking about about politics and politicians and policy, as well as campaigning and volunteering. I don't know if I would ever run for office myself, but it's certainly something in the very back of my mind.
Lisa Madigan at Chicago Pride!

Sometimes I describe my musical taste as "queer". Not in a definitely gay sense (although I do like my fair share of Britney and Cher -- don't hate!) but more in a mixed-up, strange sense. Yeah, that probably makes no sense. Here's an example: I absolutely love Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, and Loretta Lynn (who in their own rights could be gay icons) but I really dislike most other country, ESPECIALLY rah-rah-America-hell-yeah stuff and crappy formulaic stuff about small towns (which I'm totally not bashing, because I'm from a small town, but they all just sound the same). I guess I like alternative/indie, a very little bit of hip hop, little bit of country, not really any hard rock or metal. Generally just positive music? Another nonsensical statement, haha.

I have a bad problem with junk food and fast food. No matter how much it makes you feel like crap afterwords from eating it, I can't stop! Thank God I'm tall and don't really gain weight, or else I would be 400+ lbs. by now.

I am originally from the Northeast, but have lived most of my life down south, but now go to school back up north. Needless to say, my accent changes quite a bit.

I am not completely out yet. I want to be, but I just really hate having that conversation. I don't expect to lose too many friends or even my family because of being gay, I'm just lazy and hate awkward sit-downs to discuss my sexuality. I'll get to it eventually, and I really hope to accomplish a lot in this area this coming year, so stay tuned for that!

I am a TV whore. For serious. I love older 80s/90s sitcoms (and even newer ones like Will & Grace, The Office, 30 Rock, etc.). My all-time favorite show is, of course, drumroll please, The Golden Girls. I'm sure I've seen every episode, but they still make me laugh out loud everytime I watch. I'm usually a comedy show person, sitcoms and the like, but I also love me some HGTV, Bravo (Real Housewives, OMG), Project Runway, and History Channel/PBS/Ken Burns style documentaries. I could watch those for hours (in fact, I watched on the other night about Jews in America, pretty interesting stuff).

Wow, I do sound like a loser who sits at home and eats junk food and watches Jill Zarin and Bethenney Frankel discuss the virtues of cocktail parties in the Hamptons, but I guess it's not too far off, so I'll live with it.

1 comment:

  1. Dustin-

    Thanks for sharing a little more about you.

    I love politics. Being the only Democrat in my family makes for fun times during election years. (Heck, I will even admit it...I was a Hillary supporter. Don't hate!)

    As for your choices of television, right on! I grew up watching the Golden Girls with my grandmother. I still watch the episodes even though I can recite almost all the lines or tell you what is going to happen. Also love Will and Grace. I will have to say that I have been somewhat of a reality TV junkie in recent years. (American Idol, Big Brother, Biggest Loser, and The Real World...since season 1, oh yeah!)

    I am also a huge Reba McEntire fan. Have seen her in concert too many times to mention. She is definitely an awesome performer, and a brilliant business-savy woman.

    I got a chance to see Dolly in concert by chance last summer. She was performing a charity concert at Dollywood on the day we were visiting. We were able to get tickets to the show. She is hilarious.

    Again, welcome to the blogging world.
